Students of Chun's Black Belt Academy show their progress in the color of the belt they wear. Each color belt is a step towards the goal of Black Belt. Requirements for each belt differ for children and adults. Each month our studenta make a progress check during regular class time. The purpose of the progress check is to make sure each student is progressing on schedule. Once the student has received 3 progress check, he/she is ready for the next color belt. If for some reason you miss a progress check or exam, please see Master Chun to arrange a make up time so as not to delay your progress.
White Belt - Means that a student is pure or without knowledge of the control of the mind over the body, which is basic to Tae Kwon Do.
Yellow Belt - Symbolizes that the student, likened to a seed, is beginning to see the sunlight
Orange Belt, Green Belt, & High Green Belt - Represents the seeding just beginning to grow.
Blue Belt, High Blue Belt, & Purple Belt - Designates the young plants growing and reaching for the sky.
High Blue Belt - Designates the young plants growing and reaching for the sky.
Purple Belt - Designates the young plants growing and reaching for the sky.
Red Belt - Signifies the ripening of the plants. The student has good technical knowledge which can be dangerous since he or she still lacks control and discipline.
Red/Black Belt - Signifies the ripening of the plants. The student has good technical knowledge which can be dangerous since he or she still lacks control and discipline.
Black Belt - Symbolizes the coming together of all the color belts and the 10 grades of knowledge to form a degree. The student is approaching the beginning of Tae Kwon Do mastery.